We take pride in collecting and analyzing complete and accurate data on students, staff, and parents.
Schoolcube.net provides clear reports and data analysis through the use of tables and charts.
Schoolcube.net is intuitive, clear and easy to use. It provides 24/7 system stability and reliability.
Schoolcube.net packages come at almost no cost to its users..
All data on Schoolcube.net is protected by high-profile security.
Data is backed up automatically on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
Why Choose Us?
Revocube’s schoolcube portal is a premium solution developed for effective
management, monitoring and evaluation of resources in the African educational system.
Our clients choose
us because we offer the best in:
You enjoy stressless and fast onboarding. Our well-trained support team would walk you every step of the way.
One-stop Solution You don't have to go through the hassle of choosing one when Schoolcube.net offers a one-stop shop for all of your school management needs.
Our interface settings are very flexible. We collect your specific school data and deliver a bespoke portal to you
We provide free training on the Schoolcube.net Portal system at the point of delivery.
How We Work
We work with a well defined setup process during SchoolCube Pro signup.
With this
workflow, we integrate all necessary school needs into the portal
before, during and after the setup
with ease.
All required school administrative and operational structures are collected in this phase.
SC Portal can be customized to suit the school’s colour schemes for consistency.
In this process we configure and upload the data provided by the school.
We offer a free training session on the SC Portal system at the point of delivery.